Saturday, October 26, 2013

First Frost

This morning started out with a brisk 29 degrees.  The frost was covering the high grass like a blanket of snow.  As the sunrise was starting to lighten everything up, this little guy popped out of the edge of the woods.

As I sat motionless, I watched as he took every step with caution.  This little guy was on full alert.  With every snapped of the shutter from my camera, his ears would go up and he would be motionless as if he was a statue.

Then he saw me, we were now engaged in a deer to camera lens show down.  Face to Face with Nature, life doesn't get any better than this moment.  Thank you God for this experience !!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great captures:) I love the last photo of the deer staring at you.
